August 25, 2009

Only the Floor Changed

The darkness of the day settled again. He sat there waiting for the lights of the den to dim. Blood rushing to his face as he slithers across the room. "You don't know what it's like, but you will soon". A tingle up his his spine as retribution approaches. Graceful movements towards his freedom like the flames of lit torches. Slow and steady as his fingers constrict the blade. "hold still brother. Soon your guilt and my pain will fade". Flashes of red cover their eyes as a life comes crashing down. His body so frantic as ever for what he felt was so profound. The only thing that changed was the color of the ground. The coward slithered away without comfort or even a remorseful sound. Instead he poured guilt into a pool of blame that would soon make him drown. If it's blame you use, then it's nothing you'll find. It might feel good now, but only for as long as you can stand to hide. Just take a look at yourself and get back on track because revenge is for the cowards who run from themselves and never look back.

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