July 29, 2010

Hand Prints

Moving in closer.
Gasping for air since you take mine away.
Our hands collide with the intensity of a thousand suns.
hearts burning out of our chests; leaving nothing to say.

Fingers drifting up my arms.
Each spot touching glowing with passion.
Your hands, making their way to put my lips in your palm.
Every time you drift away, each pore of mine aching for the same satisfaction.

Your hand prints are here.
They each glow differently, and don't reveal your identity, but they belong to you.
I long for the day my prints shine so clear.
you've left your mark on me in so many ways, and they all shine so true.

July 11, 2010


Burning so bright.
Making him think of that spirit that makes him burn just right.
A moment of clarity; without plight.
Only the emptiness from the other half that completes him on this night.

Glimmering so beautifully.
Showing her a world without cruelty and fills her mind with the thought of "I wonder if he thinks of me?"
A moment of clarity; without uncertainty.
Only the coldness and longing for the warmth from his arms, love, and sympathy.

A flash across his eyes and and for a moment he's whole.
A flash across her eyes and for a moment the warmth she wanted even covers her soul.
Eyes close, wishes made, but this one has to be for the future, and it will come true.
Hearts and minds connected, writing in the stars "the stars are so beautiful, but i'll change them for you."

July 5, 2010

Road Signs

Our engines throttle.
A new light before our eyes, but we aren't moving.
Innocents completely in tact. Our pur so soothing.
Just spirit. No hurtles.

Infancy in the rear view. Now we're going twenty.
Help with directions still needed.
Our maintenance minimal, and our worries? Deleted
more and more stops pass, but the road ahead? Plenty

Childhood gone in a flash, so we can't help but speed.
completely lost, and too stubborn to ask for help.
It's the darkness that compels us now; letting our engines melt.
Trying so hard to stand out. Desperately needing to be seen.

Before we find out way back to the right road we go on detours that we never wished for.
Driving with lights off in a world we cannot see.
Chaining ourselves down with indulgences, but we just want to be free.

So many road signs are ahead, but the next ones reads "me".
We stop at the closest mile marker to wonder if this path we're on is that on which we were supposed to be.
Regretting what we've done, and things we didn't, but could of seen.

Our engine throttles, but now it burns with a confidence so red.
"We left on our own, got lost, but found ourselves. Forget the road signs of the past. The only ones that matter now are the ones ahead."