September 28, 2009

The Resistance

"My reality just set in".
Time and space collide.
"So many people I can't abandon".
The heart as his guide.

The world he watches starts to crumble.
The specks of a new world shinning through.
His posture so solid. No chance to stumble.
He walks alone on this path without anyone to turn to.

The resistance is approaching.
Can you feel it?
It's coming through the smog of life in which we are choking.
To a soul losing grip.

From a universe who's colors change with every motion.
From settled hearts, or born from commotion.
The resistance is here, and it's over due.
Love is what we are.
The resistance is you.

September 23, 2009


There are so many words unspoken.
On this paper is where my heart lay broken.
Words that take your breath away.
I can't find them.
Words that should be proclaimed to you everyday.
Her grasp tightens with each line.
Joy, or disgust. He needs a sign.
Instead, her eyes tangled with his for the right time.
A picture of hope shined in his eye.
Her lips were introduced to his as she was saying goodbye.
From her grasp, his broken heart set sail.
Hit by a flame where insecurity and deceit fell.
Tears for the endearment he wished to transpire.
But yet, something remarkable just above the ashes.
No bump, nor scratches. Just his heart set on fire.

September 17, 2009


Hidden in the dirt.
glimmer so faint.
Not touched with an ounce of hurt.
Bound, tortured, and smothered in constraint.

Hidden in the dirt.
Glimmer so attractive.
Without thy hand inert.
"for now with me will it be active".

Nails dig into the earth around it.
Fingers grazed by another.
"I need to have it!"
"No, you just want something to smother".

"Are eyes met at that gem.
But for two different reasons.
I would let it fly high, and soar with the wind.
And you just want a glimmer that goes with the season".

September 14, 2009


Can you see it?
The trees, as still as the ocean.
The earth sits.
But, white and gray stay in motion.
This taste upon my lip.
Darkness, in front of my eyes.
A new sensation with each shift.
Renewal, just in disguise.
Sounds from one direction
and now, there's light.
The smell beyond conception.
The view, takes away strife.
"Can you see it?" she said.
"Wait...There's more"
"I don't see it. I feel it." he said.
So the rain began to pour.

September 9, 2009


The dawn of the day hit the horizon.
Something obstructs this site.
Could it be the calamity of more opinion?
The smell of another confrontation or plight?
Vision gets hazier as the day grows older.
This mist of a new floats above the earth.
Is this the day the heart grows colder?
The day time shows its worth?
These clouds sit at my feet.
No sign of resilience or feeling.
Will this be when I can march to my own beat?
The time truth begins its revealing?
These questions disperse.
The footprints of the future is what's looked upon.
The footprints of the past have lost their curse.
Within the air around me the fog is gone.

September 7, 2009

The Never Forgiving

The hourglass sits sideways.
On the night your relationships begin to decay.
On the driveway where you left your parents in a haze, or deep in the ground where a loved ones body lays.
Time has stopped for you with the words " there will always be other days".
The glass begins to roll and a grain goes by.
Hesitation, selfishness, and fear are the only things lurking inside.
now the back is turned to the things that should catch your eye. Do you ever ask yourself for a reason to be scared or why? Well your in luck. Since your still turned around, your in for a surprise because everything changes with the blink of an eye.
Nothing stops time as it rolls of our tables and its structure breaks. Life is too short for your excuses or fears of disgrace. Hold on to the time you have because there's none to waste because time does not care about your mistakes or who it takes.
Treasure everything you have forever and beyond because your hourglass is on the roll and you don't want to blink and it all be gone.

September 2, 2009

What's Left Now

This sand lays loose, but together in my hand.
Nothing can stop us.
"I want to grip it harder. It''s to free for me to stand".
Sand to dust.
The particles begin to fall back to the earth as each finger curls.
There goes understanding and passion.
Pressure pushing the sand out so tight my hand begins to burn.
There goes caring and fatal attraction.
We are slipping away one morsel at a time and now all that's left is bad, but by the time I decide to open my hand, I'll only see the sand i lost and the relationship I never had.

September 1, 2009


A moist substance between my fingers. An astronaut, politician, a singer?
I ball it in my palms and let it slide onto the table. Will this raw talent take the shape in which it's able?
Like the tide, my hands soothe this substance every now and again. Will its friends stay with him or just not know where to begin?
Time passes and new features are added everyday. "Soon i'll think about its future" I'd say.
They listened, so soon the clay dried and to me turned out to be grand. "You put the future in my hands, so I made a man"